So yes, it is true, I have been MIA. Because well, for obvious reasons. I'm no longer in Korea.. (for now!) And yes, I had a bunch of stuff that were supposed to be reviewed by someone, but however, due to some unfortunate circumstances, I was in the end, unable to retrieve his comments regarding the products ):
But! Life goes on, and moving on, there's a place I, after lots of searching and swimming through the internet, and combing through things, have visited personally and am glad to report back to you with joy (uh, this is a service in Malaysia run by Koreans) of a hair salon that'll give you instantaneously gorgeous K-celebrity status? May I also add, before we go on, that THIS is definitely not paid. I wasn't, am not, and will not be paid for this, unless they see this and wanna give me another free service, then heck yes, I'll take it hahaha but no, really, I'm not paid. I just decided that it'd be nice to get the word out, cause I mean, really, who doesn't want beautiful luscious hair despite all the coloring and perming?
It all started out actually when I saw the newspaper article about their services, and how they use all natural products, my mom and I were so taken! So, just to give you a rough idea of our (mom's and mine) hair, its pretty coarse, naturally so. And we have a problem, we love red hair. Okay mom for obvious reasons of white hair and red being the easiest to cover them up (she does look good with it tho) and me, cause well, I've just been so fascinated by it and in the last four years, the color has been within that range.
Red. Okay we get it.
Even in my latest hair venture the dude, without me even asking, just threw in red on my hurrs! RED!
Ha. See?
But anyway, yeah, so from all the crazy coloring (even when I was letting my hair recover, I had it colored brown or something, so all the coloring and stuff really killed it), my hair was just at a ghastly state. Awfully dry, damaged hair. And being someone who really enjoys Korean entertainment, I've always been super fascinated by how despite all the hair altercations, they still have smooth silky hair (like, come on! what is thisss!). The answer to my question finally answered on a small piece of ad in the papers: Hair Coating!
In my best understanding from the owner of the place (which may also be perhaps incorrect but this is the most I caught from our conversation), hair coating, as the name suggests, is basically putting an additional layer of protein on your hair (and fixing the damaged bits of your hair cuticles) so that instead of your hair taking ALL the beating, the protein is your hair's stuntman haha, taking your hair's place while it undergoes a recovery from the treatment. Multitasking say whuuuut!
It's a crazy long process of washing, cleaning (deep into the hair), absorbing (your hair does, not you) of the treatments, straightening, trimming, and some ironing out the rest. But honestly, after I left, I was just smiling like a crazy lady cause my hair was the smoothest it's been since I can remember...

Dead hair, "New" hair haha
I mean, really, how great is that? And on top of that, you can do whatever you want with your hair after. But I mean, naturally, it's always highly recommended that we let the treatment sit in for a bit before we go crazy with it again, cause I mean, really, you spend so much money, only to have it all gone by being too overexcited with wanting to color it and stuff. Waste of money, no?
Here are the really sweet owners, who by the way have it all thought out like whaaa!
I was served drinks of my choice, some good snacks that I was too shy to touch haha, and they even had a stand for whatever you're reading so it's propped up to ease reading, without the usual bend that hurts your back so badly. They're really nice and efficient, though the price tag may be on the slightly higher side, you can be rest assured that you're in good hands (quite literally).
They even showed me their products that uhm, seriously is so organic and free of chemicals you can eat it and is safe for everyone in the family to use, I mean, COME ON HOW COOL IS THAT!! Nyam nyam, oh just eating my shampoo.
For those of you who are interested in the home supplies for your hairs thats safe for babies, grandparents, and everyone else, here's a photo of it and it may just help yaaaa (:
A number of these things were also used during the process of my treatment (:
All natural and so goooooood smells good too.
Anyway, here are some important details:
It's called Kosvogue, located at Sunway Giza, it's upstairs kind of to the corner, so explore a bit. Or find Lot B-16-1, cause clearly I suck at giving directions cause I can't remember what it was near. I'm SORRY!
And I know this isn't Korea related but if you're in KL, and are in search of a fixer up-er, you know where to go. I definitely thought it was really good. Though my treatment was just ONE of the many the salon offers, you should definitely talk to them to figure out which one works best for your hair, cause like I said, my hair was dead. Again, it's slightly more on the expensive side, but it's really good if you're planning on killing your hair, preventing the need to chop all of your hair off from bleaching, coloring, and perming, cause haha I know I'm guilty of putting my hair through all that haha.
Anyhooties, I hope this post fulfills something, cause I'm up at 3.30am with a rumbling tummy writing this cause it's been a while... Sorryyyyyyy ): And I really wanted to share this with you guys! (: I hope you guys do drop by their store for a visit cause I really liked their service and I'm sure you'll feel like a million bucks during and after (: