Friday, February 27, 2015

Subway Cards

On my way back to KL from LA, I exited the airport to check out some stuff in Sinchon.
I was so excited, walking around and everything, until it was time to leave.. I reached into the pocket where the card was, and lo and behold... it wasn't there! Oh the horror. So I backtracked in hopes of finding it somewhere... But not to my surprise, it was wishful thinking. One could only hope, right? So upsetting was it as I had just topped it up at the airport before leaving. So I had no other choice but to purchase another.. It was pretty! In a nice blue color and in much better condition than my original. Oh well. Life goes on, right?

Fine. Now that I'm back, I've had to run quite a lot of errands and stuff. And yesterday I spent practically the whole day in one area, buying supplies, finding my bearings, and figuring out of I needed some of the stuff.. So after purchasing the last of the supplies for the day, I was ready to go home for a good hot shower (cause it's way too cold here). After almost 7 hours of walking, I was just excited for rest. That was until I reached into my pockets again...

//but it was just here a second ago...

I lost my subway card... AGAIN.
OH MY GOSH. So okay. BACKTRACK BACKTRACK. Let's go back to the restaurant cause that's where I threw some trash out..
For two whole hours, I tried looking for the restaurant. Going round and round in circles, trying to retrace my steps, only to feel like something out of a movie where these places disappear after you visit it that one time by accident. I stole wifi to get there. Followed the way, and after walking by things for the umpteenth time, realized... that I was so near yet so far...

SUCCESS! the flooring looks right...! YES! But wait... where..

OH. It's closed.

Let's just get another card.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hello Again!


It's been a while but...

I'm back here in Seoul!

I've spent the last two days organizing things and just moving into my apartment. Tomorrow, I have a busy busy day of buying some supplies (as I had to rid my baggage of so may clothes even though I actually have pretty little. Damn winter clothes so bulky and heavy.

I've also spent some time today looking up ways to really explore this city, and to talk about it more efficiently. I'm vowing to do my best to keep this blog updated to the best of my abilities!

Here, I will be posting about the my life here, the food, the places, the people, shopping, and anything else between in regards to being in Korea. I will also be blogging about any other adventures (both within and outside Korea) so keep your eyes peeled for them!

Also, I hope you guys continue to support me as I do my best to write about things that are foreign to me. What I will be talking about will be as I understand them to be. My thoughts and ideas will defer from others, and opinions are my own. So please be kind! (:

Thank you again for your understanding!

I will see you guys soon!
